Kish painting

Welcome to Kish Painting, LLC, home interior and exterior painting contractors serving western Pennsylvania, including Beaver County and the Moon Township, Cranberry Township, and Wexford areas, since 2006.


Welcome to Kish Painting, LLC, home interior and exterior painting contractors serving western Pennsylvania, including Beaver County and the Moon Township, Cranberry Township, and Wexford areas, since 2006.

My name is Jeff Kish, and my team and I provide quality painting and related services for your home or business. Whether your project consists of a room, a house, an apartment complex, or an office suite, Kish Painting has the experience and the work force to do the job.

I strive for quality and 100% customer satisfaction as the measure of a successful project, and most of my business comes from personal referrals from my customers.

We are a family-owned business serving Beaver County, Pennsylvania as well as Cranberry Township, Moon Township, Wexford, and the surrounding areas north of Pittsburgh. We are dedicated to providing our customers with attentive service, meticulous attention to detail, premium products, and beautiful results!


I got started by painting my own houses as a way to save money, and discovered that I really enjoyed the work and did a good job of it. People liked my results and asked me to do their houses and I just dove into it. I worked hard for many years to build up my business, and my measure of my own success is when the phone rings and it’s another new customer saying they’ve been referred to me by friends or family whom I’ve helped.

Residential and Commercial Painting Services

House painting contractors in Beaver County Pennsylvania

Custom Interior Painting

Residential: Whole House Painting, Foyers, Separate Living Areas.
Commercial: Offices, Classrooms, Shops, Studios, etc.

Exterior Painting

From whole house or business, including wood, brick, and aluminum surfaces. Garage doors, windows, doors and shutters.

Drywall Repair

Including doorknob punctures, covering up non-used receptacle cutouts, or simply repairing a damaged area.

Home Renovations

Remove carpet from stairs and stain stairs for character. Add an accent wall in a room, and paint over those out-of-date stained baseboards.

Investment Property Repaints

Whole-House, Apartment Rentals, Room Color Changes, Painting to cover a smoker property.

Real Estate Staging

Whole-House or Touch-Up.

Proudly Serving Residential & Commercial Properties:

Residential Painting

Kitchen Cabinets

Kish Painting LLC is a Pittsburgh, PA Kitchen Painting service provider. We recommend painting kitchen cabinets instead of replacing them because it's less expensive and you also get to choose the perfect color. From taping and cleaning, all the way to priming and sealing-we don't cut corners on the important steps that make sure your kitchen will look great!

Stucco and Wood Siding

Improve your home's exterior while still preserving the integrity of the paint or surface. We'll recommend products, prep and repair the paint or stain on your house, and then clean up after we're done.

Walls and Ceiling

If you're thinking about refreshing your home's décor, paint is a simple and affordable way to change any room. Whether you want bright and bold or soft and soothing, we can tell you what paint will work best for you.

Woodwork and Cabinetry

Do you want high-quality paint for woodwork and cabinetry that'll last a long time? We can give you a flawless finish in just a few clicks. From making old trim look good as new to updating the appearance of your living room, bathroom, or your garage cabinets.

Commercial Painting

Condominiums & Apartments

Residential painting may be our specialty, but we don't limit ourselves to just that. We will also handle any commercial property painting projects you need. Whether it's painting your apartments in between tenants or keeping the exterior of your buildings looking great, we do it all!

Shopping Malls

Retail stores and shopping malls need to be in good shape, otherwise, your customers will get disappointed. With our commercial painting services, you can keep your store's appearance fresh, clean, and updated, creating an inviting space for people to shop.

Office buildings

Professional offices usually experience more wear and tear than your home. If you spend most of your week at the office, why not keep it looking fresh with a coat of paint?


For most workers, a worn-down or dusty work environment can be detrimental to their productivity. That's where commercial or industrial painting comes in. This can help improve their living space by reversing the neglect that your building may have been suffering from.

Service Areas

Serving western Pennsylvania north of Pittsburgh, including:

Beaver Falls


Cranberry Township




Ross Township


Moon Township


Painting Questions? Call 724.495.9824

Custom Interior/Exterior Home painting contractors serving Beaver County, PA, plus Cranberry Township, Moon Township, and Wexford areas for over 20 years.


The showcase of work we had done before


I got started by painting my own houses as a way to save money, and discovered that I really enjoyed the work and did a good job of it. People liked my results and asked me to do their houses and I just dove into it. I worked hard for many years to build up my business, and my measure of my own success is when the phone rings and it’s another new customer saying they’ve been referred to me by friends or family whom I’ve helped.

Have Questions? Contact Us

Questions? Please call Jeff Kish at 724-495-9824 , to discuss your painting or renovation project and schedule a FREE estimate to see what it will take to get started! Together we can decide on the best course of action to help you improve the look and value of your home or business. I’m also happy to answer any questions you might have.

I look forward to meeting you.

Thank you for contacting Kish Painting, LLC!

Jeff Kish
Master Painter
Kish Painting, LLC





Mon to Fri 8am to 5pm


Kish Painting LLC
3415 college Ave
Beaver falls, pa 15010